Spotted Lanternflies

Residential Services & Commercial Services in Bergen County


What Is A Spotted Lanternfly?

The spotted lanternfly has the potential to be a devastating invasive species wherever it goes. To date, the spotted lanternfly population has required many counties throughout several states to implement a quarantine to reduce the spread of these insects. They can feed on most plant species and affect businesses like vineyards, timber, and other types of farms. The spotted lanternfly is known to cause economic and property damage unsurpassed by native pest species. Because spotted lanternfly damage can be extensive, it is suggested that a professional pest control company be contacted at first sight.

The spotted lanternfly was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. They are believed to have been introduced from South East Asia around 2012. Since 2014, they have spread to more than seven states including New Jersey.

Spotted lanternflies are plant parasites and have been observed feeding on more than 70 species of plant. Among their favorites are tree-of-heaven, grapes, hops, hardwood trees, and fruit trees. It is also believed they can spread plant diseases. Due to the large numbers often feeding at once, they can greatly weaken a tree or plant. This may cause slow growth and, in some circumstances, may even lead to the death of the plant. This can be catastrophic for many industries including forestry, viniculture, orchards, and landscaping.

At Tapout Pest Control, we recognize the importance of safeguarding your property against unwanted pests. That's why we're committed to helping you confront the latest invasive species to reach Bergen County – the Spotted Lanternfly. With our unrivaled expertise and exceptional customer service, we're dedicated to helping you reclaim your space from these uninvited intruders. We have same day services to help you get rid of your pest problems fast.

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Introducing the Spotted Lanternfly

The Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is an invasive planthopper native to Asia. These eye-catching insects boast a unique appearance with gray, black, and white-spotted forewings and vibrant red hindwings adorned with black bands. Adult Spotted Lanternflies are difficult to overlook, measuring around 1 inch in length with a 1.5-inch wingspan. Despite their striking looks, these insects pose a considerable threat to both the environment and the economy.

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Environmental and Economic Impact

Spotted Lanternflies feed on the sap of over 70 different plant species, including valuable fruit trees, ornamental plants, and hardwoods. As they feed, they excrete a sugary substance called honeydew, which fosters the growth of sooty mold. This mold can cover plants and stunt their growth, ultimately leading to their demise.

These insects have caused significant damage to vineyards, orchards, and the timber industry, resulting in economic losses and jeopardizing the livelihoods of those working in these sectors. Additionally, Spotted Lanternflies disrupt the ecological balance of native ecosystems by outcompeting native species for resources.

Why Extermination is Crucial

Given the environmental and economic damage caused by Spotted Lanternflies, extermination is vital to protect our communities and ecosystems. Efficient pest management can prevent these insects from further damaging valuable plants and trees and halt their spread to other regions.

At Tapout Pest Control, our skilled technicians use proven methods to eliminate Spotted Lanternflies from your property while minimizing environmental impact. Our experience and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the top choice for managing these invasive insects in Bergen County.

If you've spotted these colorful pests on your property, don't wait for the problem to worsen. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and Tapout Pest Control can help you reclaim your space from the Spotted Lanternfly. Together, we can make Bergen County a pest-free zone.

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